Corrocoat Caspian Visit Head Office

Posted On : Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 in News

For the past two weeks we had the pleasure of hosting our partners from Corrocoat Caspian, at our head office in Leeds. Aliya Zhumanova, Corrocoat Caspian Director, joined us with Konstantin Vassilyev, Murat Jumabekov and Kirill Slavko to undergo advanced technical training.

Our Technical Supervisor, Douglas Lynch oversaw all of the training, starting the 2 weeks off with theory-based training on corrosion, service environments, specifying products and much more.

Murat, who originally joined the company as a security guard 9 years ago, worked his way through the ranks, becoming one of the leading engineers and applicators in the field. Murat was joined by fellow applicator, Konstantin, as they continued their training with practical sessions in our coating and engineering workshops. Carrying out specialist coating applications, pipe spraying, pipe wrapping and pump disassembly, Murat and Konstantin were shown the latest techniques by our leading mechanical engineers and coating specialists and applicators.


Corrocoat Caspian training 1
Murat and Konstantin being shown pump disassembly by Engineering Supervisor Warren Marks.


Corrocoat Caspian training 2
Murat and Konstantin working on reassembling a pump.


Corrocoat Caspian training - Pipe wrapping
Murat and Konstantin carrying out pipe wrapping.


Kirill, originally joined Corrocoat Caspian as a Sales Engineer. Recently promoted to Production Manager, Krill, as part of his training, spent time with our Coating Production Manager, Mike Walsh and other members of the Corrocoat production team, to get to grips with the intricacies of the production and manufacture of our specialist coating systems.

Following their training, our CEO, Charles Watkinson, presented the team with a certificate – it was a very proud day for the group, who had thoroughly enjoyed their time with us. We are very much looking forward to hearing from Corrocoat Caspian on the exciting projects they are continuing to undertake in Kazakhstan and how their training will be put to use to further enhance the service and results delivered to their clients.

Corrocoat Caspian - training certificates

From left to right: Aliya, Murat, Douglas, Konstantin, Kirill

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