WFGD Concrete Trenches and Stumps

Posted On : Sunday, February 11th, 2018 in News

The Industry – Power Generation

The Challenge – Corrocoat AS (Pty) Ltd was contracted by the South Africa Electricity Supply Commission to corrosion protect 2,216 Square metres of concrete trenches & sumps in the coal fired Wet Flue Gas Desulphurisation plant at Kusile Power Station. The plant is the first of its kind in South Africa for coal-fired power stations and allows it to conform to the Paris Agreement for environmental emission restrictions.

The Solution – The scope of works included the supply of all linings, primers, glass cloth, abrasive blast equipment and materials, airless application equipment, temporary structures and all site management and labour necessary to professionally deliver, install, QC test & warrant all site linings. The substrate was new cast concrete with a minimum 30Mpa strength.

All concrete surfaces were abrasive blast cleaned to remove laitance and then thoroughly vacuumed to remove dust and spent abrasive. All the surfaces were primed with Corrocoat WCP to wet-out the surface and seal any concrete pores. Multi-directional woven-roving glass-fibre, saturated with L600 Laminating Resin was then applied to increase structural stability and limit any potential for shrinkage during curing. Finally, a coating of Polyglass VEF to a DFT of 1000–1500µm was applied.

Results & Benefits – Thanks to the Corrocoat WCP/VE and Polyglass VEF coating system, which has a life expectancy well in excess of 20 years, the client now has a concrete floor that will require minimum maintenance.

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