Re-lining Cooling Plant Header Pipes

Posted On : Saturday, February 18th, 2017 in News

The Shuaiba industrial Area accommodates many of the large-scale industries in the State of Kuwait. over 30 processing plants are located here, including petrochemical companies, oil refineries, power plants and gas companies. there is a huge demand for sea water for cooling purposes and the Kuwait public Authority for industry is currently investing in a power plant renovation programme to ensure that the demand for cooling water is met in the future.

The contract to re-line Shuaiba Plant B header cooling water pipes was awarded to Corrocoat Distributor and Applicator in Kuwait, the Al-Sabaiea Group thanks to its excellent track record of successfully completed coating projects for major operators in the oil, gas, and support industries.

Two 2.2m ductile header pipes each 180m long were re-lined. Following full surface preparation the following Corrocoat products were applied. Polyglass VE to fill and repair pitting, PPA primer to hold the prepared surface and finally P100 in two coats to achieve an average film thickness of 1250 μm. Armagel was used on header bends to resist against erosion and abrasion issues.

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