Corrocoat USA has solved a very costly problem for one of the country’s oldest pellet mills in South Georgia. An ongoing problem for the mill has been the need to constantly repair damage at the impact zone of a 56” diameter x 19’6”long exhaust elbow. Despite trying a number of different types of coating and/or rubber combinations, repairs, including patches have been necessary every three months.
The solution provided by Corrocoat USA was to: weld patches to the damaged areas; abrasive blast to a profile of 50-100 microns, apply Plasmet HTE to 1500 microns. Calcined alumina tiles with a Plasmet HTE grout were then applied followed by a final coat of HTE to finish the tiles.
After several months continuous use, the lining remains in a good condition and the operators of the pellet mill are very satisfied with the huge savings which have resulted from the Corrocoat solution.