Corrocoat USA Inc. was approached by a pulp and paper mill operator in Florida as the chime and foundation of its Tall Oil Caustic Tank were severely degraded, causing voids beneath the concrete slab. Affected by exposure to sodium hydroxide, sulphuric acid and black liquor, the concrete slab had low areas with deep puddles, further exacerbating the problem.
Having used a core drill and borescope to determine the location of sub-surface voids, cementitious grout was pumped into the voids. Corrocoat USA then re-directed all water or chemicals that would otherwise run onto the area into a nearby U Drain.
The concrete was washed with a pressure washer and organic degreaser, a containment built and the area blast cleaned. After sealing with Plasmet ECP, the concrete slab was regraded so that it would drain into the nearby sump. Finally, Polyglass VEF and Polyglass VE Veilcoat was applied to provide a surface that will protect the slab in this chemically corrosive service environment.