Case Study

Protection of Water treatment Plant concrete bunds & floors against 98% Sulphuric Acid



South Africa.



December 2019


Scope of Work:

Corrocoat was nominated as the specialist contractor for the rehabilitation of the concrete acid proofing to the Neutralisation Sumps and surrounding concrete areas in the Water Treatment Plant. The process was designed to protect the concrete surfaces against highly acidic corrosion attack from sulphuric acid.


The project consisted of new build storage bunds and replacing the exiting lining of the Neutralisation Sumps with the Corrocoat Concrete Acid Proofing System.


The process started with completely stripping the existing failed concrete acid protection lining to 1950 Sqm of concrete sumps & bunded areas, using mechanical means.


This was followed with an abrasive blast clean & vacuuming of the concrete surfaces. A 1st coat of Plasmet ECP (Epoxy Concrete Primer) as a concrete penetrant was applied, followed by application of Corrofill-E (putty-grade building compound), to the concrete surface.


A 2nd coat of Plasmet ECP in conjunction with 25g C-Glass fibre tissue laminate was applied for increased structural stability and to minimise the potential for shrinkage during polymerisation.


± 4100 litres of Plasmet AR3 solvent-free Epoxy designed for immersion in 98% Sulphuric Acid was applied with Total Dry Film Thickness: 1500µm average DFT.

Plasmet ECP
Corrofill E
Plasmet AR3

Condition of the concrete after abrasive blasting.

After application of 1st coat of Plasmet ECP Primer.

After application of Corrofill E.

After application of Plasmet AR3.

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