Case Study

Pipe Bend Protection Against Sulphuric Acid


Power Generation, UK.

Application Date

August 2017.

Scope of Work

Client surface preparation and protection of a pipe bend which would be exposed to high concentrations of sulphuric acid at operating temperatures between
5°C and 30°C.


Plasmet AR3.
Plasmet ZF.


Carbon Steel.

Coating System

• Masked off any areas not requiring treatment.

• Abrasive blasted specified internal surfaces with new abrasive in accordance with ISO 8501-1 to Sa2 surface finish, to achieve a minimum surface profile of 50 microns.

• Complete a final blow down, sweep and vacuum cleaned thoroughly to remove dust.

• Applied Plasmet AR3 to an average DFT of 1500 microns.

• Carried out thickness testing.

• Spark tested following adequate cure of coating.

• Carried out post-cure in accordance with Plasmet AR3 data sheet.

• Once cured removed surface protection, dress edges and completed 100% visual inspection.

• Abrasive blasted the external surfaces with new abrasive in accordance with ISO8501-1 to Sa2 surface finish.

• Applied one coat externally of Plasmet ZF primer.

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