Case Study

Case Study: Relining 6 CIP Tanks

Extending the lifespan of cooling tower fan blades.

The Challenge:
Extending the lifespan of cooling tower fan blades.

The Solution:
Corrocoat Caspian LLP were approached to provide internal lining of 6 CIP tanks and a thickener at the Akbakai gold processing plant. The tanks and a thickener were in poor condition, as previous coatings were severely corroded. Corrocoat Caspian had prior experience of chemical tank protection at the Pustynnoye field in Altynalmas.

The technological process at Akbakai didn’t allow for the lining of the tanks simultaneously, adding to the pressure of an already tight deadline. The Corrocoat Caspian LLP team was able to complete the work ahead of schedule whilst following all quality procedures and standards. This allowed for the launch of the CIP tanks and thickener at full capacity ahead of schedule.
Used Products:
Polyglass VE
Corroglass 60Z 
Fibreglass Cloth


Relining 6 CIP Tanks

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