Case Study

Cleaning & Coating 1200 NB Spool

Client: Cleaning & Coating 1200 NB Spool

Major Power Company

Application Date

September 2009

Scope of Work

Remove existing internal and external coatings. Mask off areas not requiring treatment. Grit Blast internally to ISO 8501-1, Cleanliness standard Sa 2 ½. Apply Corroglass 600 series to a min. dft of 2.5mm carried through to rebates and finished off flat. Thickness check and spark test to 32Kv HV-AC EXTERNAL: apply 2 coats of Plazmet ZF Black (250 mircon)


Corroglass 600 Series
Plasmet ZF


Fabricated steel

Application Method



If your looking for quality, long service life, environmentally friendly, reliable and cost effective coatings. Corrocoat have provided this and much ,more for over 50 years. Utilizing Corroglass 600 is a Two Pack Cold Cured Epoxy, Glassflake Coating that is hand applied. Plasmet is a surface tolerant epoxy coating developed by Corrocoat to provide excellent protection for rusted surfaces, even where minimal surface preparation is possible. The product incorporates a rust converter, inhibitor and passivator with leafing barrier protection. Plasmet ZF is suitable for aggressive atmospheric and some immersed conditions.

1200 NB Spool

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