Corrocoat Corrofill
A two-pack, vinyl ester filler and grouting material containing abrasion resistant fillers.
Suggested use
As a pit filler or grout for badly pitted steel or other applications that require a high performance, chemically resistant coating system.
Not suitable for immersion in some highly polar solvents. 110deg C in immersion: 160deg C gaseous. Maximum thickness in one layer is 6mm.
Health & safety
Before handling or using this product, the material safety data sheet should be read and all precautions observed. Surface preparation The surface to be coated should be free from grease etc. Metal should be grit blasted to a minimum ISO 8501-1 Sa 2½ near 3 or equivalent. (Please refer to
Corrocoat data sheet SP1). All blast residues must be removed by sweeping or blowing clean and vacuuming where necessary. Application to the substrate should then take place as soon as possible. For full surface preparation details see relevant surface preparation specification sheets. Alternatively,
Corrofill VE may be applied over a
Polyglass primer applied in accordance with that product data sheet.
Mixing ratio
Corrofill VE can be catalysed using P2 catalyst within the ratios of 100:1 PBW base to catalyst to 100:2 PBW base to catalyst. The ratio should always be within these limits, 2% addition of catalyst being the norm, 1% being used at ambient temperatures above 28°C or where film thickness applied exceeds 5mm.
Weigh out only the proportion of material, which can be used within the pot life and place into a mixing container. Measure the correct proportion of catalyst for the base amount and carefully add this to the base using a suitable clean implement. Mix thoroughly then add dye if required and mix to an even colour. After stirring it is advisable to remove the contents from the mixing container into a shallow receptacle and remix.
Pot life
50-60 Minutes at 20°C. Pot life will be shorter at higher temperatures and longer at lower temperatures. Where high temperatures are encountered, refrigerate material before use
or else seek the advice of Corrocoat UK.
Application equipment
Short hair stiff brush, trowel or scraper blade. Application Using application implement, the catalysed material should be vigorously worked into the surface profile, ensuring that the maximum possible wet out of the surface is achieved. Following this procedure, the coating thickness may be built up in thickness. The material may be applied at DFT’s of up to 6mm but this thickness should not be exceeded in a single coat to avoid shrinkage and high exotherm.