Welcoming Our New Partners from Trinidad

Posted on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025 in News

For the past two weeks, we had the pleasure of hosting our new partners from Trinidad, Qualitech Machining Services Limited, at Corrocoat’s Head Office. It was a great opportunity to exchange valuable insights, and showcase why Corrocoat is a global leader in corrosion protection solutions.

We were delighted to welcome Cindy Singh Ramlogan, Industrial Projects Manager and Kamiraj Ramphal, NACE/Superintendent. During their visit, they were introduced to our innovative products and met the Head Office teams driving Corrocoat’s success. From in-depth corrosion theory training, to interactive product demonstrations in the engineering and coating workshops and engaging discussions in our R&D labs and marketing department, the visit was the perfect opportunity for our partners to fully immerse themselves in Corrocoat’s expertise and capabilities.

The sessions offered an in-depth look into the technical aspects of our products and processes, with a spotlight on our renowned glassflake technology. Discussions focused on how to customise our solutions to address the unique environmental challenges faced by the industrial sectors in the Caribbean.

Cindy, with over 20 years of expertise in the Oil and Gas industry, expressed her admiration for the depth and quality of the technical training sessions, conducted by Douglas Lynch who oversees our technical training. Kamiraj, who brings more than a decade of experience in coating solutions and inspection/supervisory roles, was equally impressed. He highlighted the exceptional quality of Corrocoat’s coatings, having had the opportunity to apply the products first-hand on various projects in the workshop.


Douglas overseeing Kamiraj carrying out composite pipe wrapping                                                                                    Engineering Supervisor, Warren Marks working with Kamiraj –                                                                                                                                                                                                                             dynamic balancing a coated impeller         

Trinidad is a dynamic market, with robust industrial activity in sectors like oil and gas, petrochemicals, and manufacturing. By combining Corrocoat’s proven expertise with our partners’ local market knowledge, we are confident in our ability to deliver innovative corrosion protection solutions that exceed expectations.

This visit marks the beginning of an exciting journey, and we are thrilled to collaborate with our Trinidad partners at Qualitech to achieve great success. Qualitech was founded in 1995 and is one of the leading mechanical engineering companies in the Caribbean. Together, we’re excited to deliver innovative corrosion  protection and drive growth in Trinidad’s industrial sectors.

A huge welcome to our New Global Partners.

                                                                Corrocoat Global Partner in Trinidad                                                        Kamiraj and Cindy being presented with their training certifications by Corrocoat Technical Director, Graham Greenwood Sole       



Posted on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 in News

Corrocoat USA recently exhibited at AMP2024. It was a great opportunity to meet new and existing customers and share a coffee at our stand.

Corrocoat USA AMPP 2024

“The exhibition at the AMPP Corrosion 2024 conference in New Orleans, Louisiana was a huge success. We met many new potential customers from all over the world who were interested in our technology and services.
“I expect that the effort will have increased international exposure to our brand and we will close sales from leads and inquiries during the week. A big thanks to all who helped us prepare for the event, including the Marketing department from Corrocoat Ltd, CEO Charles Watkinson and Technical Director Graham Greenwood-Sole who joined us from the UK as well as our staff at Corrocoat USA.”
Josh Tankersley, Corrocoat USA

Corrocoat USA is a prominent provider of advanced anti-corrosion solutions and coatings, serving various industries with high-performance products designed to protect infrastructure and equipment from the detrimental effects of corrosion. Established as a part of the global Corrocoat brand, the company leverages extensive research and development to offer innovative, durable, and cost-effective coating systems.

Corrocoat USA specializes in a wide range of protective coatings, including glass flake coatings, linings, and composite repair systems. These products are engineered to provide superior resistance to chemicals, abrasion, and extreme environmental conditions, thereby extending the lifespan of industrial assets such as pipelines, tanks, and marine structures. The company’s expertise spans multiple sectors, including oil and gas, water treatment, power generation, and marine industries.

In addition to its high-quality products, Corrocoat USA provides comprehensive support services, including technical consultancy, on-site application, and maintenance solutions. The company is committed to sustainability and innovation, continuously improving its products to meet evolving industry standards and environmental regulations. With a strong focus on quality and customer satisfaction, Corrocoat USA has established itself as a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable and efficient corrosion protection solutions.





Pump Service Repair and Protection

Posted on Friday, January 19th, 2024 in News

Established in 1975, Corrocoat Corrosioneering started specialist pump repairs shortly afterwards and since then it has grown in size and stature to its present day position as a world leader, with the skills and facilities to repair and corrosion protect the largest of pumps. Our dedicated Pump Division offers customers a comprehensive service covering pump refurbishment, re-manufacture, modification and coating for corrosion protection of many types of pumps.

The bespoke nature of the service enables us to respond to individual customer requirements and our ability to provide equipment quickly and to budget are key elements in the service offered to customers.


Corrocoat is based in the UK but has a network of over 30 facilities in 6 continents. Our list of clients includes some of the world’s most respected companies operating in fields as diverse as: mining, oil & gas, chemicals, power generation, waste & water, pulp & paper and marine.

Our ability to combine mechanical engineering with advanced polymer technology allows even severely damaged pumps to be refurbished at a fraction of the replacement cost, often without expensive replacement parts. The use of our advanced materials can prevent the need for expensive metallurgical solutions on new pumps, and substantial efficiency improvements can be achieved by utilising the Fluiglide range of materials.

All pumps & pump parts are repaired where possible in accordance with ISO standards or better, with upgrades in materials and tightening of tolerances to improve pump life, efficiency and performance. Many of these pumps are protected against corrosion using Corrocoat’s tried and tested coatings – the selection of which is dependant on the service environment.


Every refurbished pump is returned to the customer with its own ‘Completion Pack’ giving assurance to the client that the work has been carried out to the highest standard. This pack contains: performance test data, an internal hydrostatic test certificate and mill certificates for material traceability (if required). Details of all work carried out with relevant photographs are also included.

Happy New Year – 2024

Posted on Wednesday, January 10th, 2024 in News

And just like that, we enter another new year! Following an interesting 2023, and an extremely eventful one from a business perspective; progress was made into new markets. We welcomed overseas partners to the UK for the Corrocoat Global Partner Conference, as well as working with hundreds of new and existing clients both nationally and internationally. We look forward to a great 2024.

Some of you may be aware that this year we are celebrating 50 years since Corrocoat was founded by our CEO, Charles Watkinson. In that time, Charles has been instrumental in expanding Corrocoat in to over 30 countries and employing over 1000 people globally. He has designed engineering repair systems, coatings and coating technology, written numerous technical papers and is the inventor of several patents. With a rich brand history and heritage, we have some very exciting plans to honour the incredible milestone this year… stay tuned.

We also have some very exciting news, as the New Year sees Phillip Watkinson, General Manager/Director promoted to the Managing Director of Corrocoat, and sister company Corroserve.

Phillip first joined the company in 2001. He is fully immersed in all areas of the company, and provides a wealth of knowledge and expertise when it comes to specialist coatings and mechanical engineering.

Graham Greenwood-Sole, previous Managing Director for 20 years, moves to the role of part time Technical Director, overseeing and implementing technical and engineering strategies, to ensure continued business growth and success.

Please join us in wishing Phillip and Graham the very best in their new roles. It’ s a very exciting time here at Corrocoat.

Here’s to a great and prosperous year ahead and continued success.

Phil and Graham - Happy New Year

Graham Greenwood-Sole and Phillip Watkinson.

I’m pleased to share my first message as Managing Director;The year has started positively for our business as we lay the foundations for a solid year ahead with exciting projects and growth unfolding around the world. In the coming months, we will  be taking time to look back at 50 years of Corrocoat supporting industries worldwide. Thanks to the  contribution of employees, past and present and our ongoing investment in research and development, we have innovated the coatings industry, successfully providing practical and cost effective solutions to corrosion issues in many countries.

Whilst it’s important to pause, take stock and take time to recognise how far our business has come, it’s also important to look forward. And we have much to look forward to as we grow and  increasingly support the global recycle, reduce, reuse agenda – enabling largescale capital plant and equipment to be used for longer. You can read more about some of the more recent project in  the coming pages here. “




Impeller Refurbishment and Coating at Thermal Power Plant

Posted on Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023 in News

A thermal power plant in Gujarat, India, required refurbishment and corrosion protection for four vertical turbine pump impellers. The pumps, which were made of super duplex steel and had no prior protective coating, had been in operation in sea-water for approximately 12 to 15 years.

The impellers had developed cracks and mechanical damage over time, which significantly impacted their performance. To address these issues, the client approached our partners in India, Kirloskar Corrocoat Private Ltd (KCPL). KCPL were to provide a comprehensive solution; repairing and rebuilding the blades, as opposed to replacing with new impellers.

Pump Impeller - before - damaged vane

                 Damaged impeller before repair work                                           Damage/crack on impeller blade


Along with sister company Kirloskar Brother Limited; a global leader in pump systems, KCPL were able to offer a turnkey solution to repair the damage to the impeller vanes, using both cold and hot refurbishment methods, followed by DP (dye penetration) and UT (ultra-sonic testing).  Polyglass VEHA was then applied, with an overcoat of Fluiglide.

Pump Impeller - weld repair - DP dye penetration

                 Mechanical repair of  impeller blade                                              Dye Penetration Test


Polyglass VEHA is a cold cured glass flake vinyl ester acrylic co-polymer, which was selected as its properties make it ideal for immersion environments, where superior resistance to chemical attack is required.

Whereas Fluiglide; a cold cured, highly modified chemically resistant, two-pack resin system filled with stabilising enforcement to reduce cold flow characteristics, was used to reduce friction and increase energy efficiency.

Following the mechanical refurbishment and coating work as per ISO 21940, the team carried out dynamic balancing of the impeller.  They also successfully resolved the problem of uneven clearances between the impeller and liner, further optimising the pump’s performance and efficiency.

KCPL’s specialist pump refurbishment and coating technology provided an effective and efficient solution for the client, ensuring extended lifespan and improved performance, and significant time and cost savings. The cost to refurbish each impeller was just 30% of the original price of the impeller, not to mention the short lead time to repair, as opposed to the delivery timescales for new impellers.

Pump Impeller - repaired and protected

Impeller following refurbishment and protection

Internal Lining for CO₂ Pipe

Posted on Wednesday, November 15th, 2023 in News

The maintenance team at a sugar mill in Indonesia were fighting a losing battle against corrosion on the welding joints of their CO₂ pipeline. The purpose of the CO₂ gas at the sugar mill was for carbonation, ultimately improving the quality of the sugar.

Carbonation Technology:

In the carbonatation process, the melt is spiked with lime [Ca(OH)2] then CO₂ gas is flowed in the carbonatation vessel, a precipitate of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is formed which absorbs/binds impurities, including reducing dyes so that the acidic pH dissolves again. The source of  CO₂ gas comes from boiler gas which has been purified through a scrubber. The carbonation process is carried out in two stages: 1. Add lime as much as 0.5% brix together with flowing CO₂ equivalent to the amount of lime added 2. At the end of the carbonator completes the reaction with CO₂ flow until the pH drops to around 8.3, then the liquor is filtered in a pressure filter (leaf filter) to produce filter liquor and mud.

At that time, the plant was using SS304 & SS316L stainless material for their pipework. But, after just six months in service, the pipework was suffering leaks on the welding joints areas.

Over 220m of pipework was transported to the Corrocoat workshop (in Indonesia), where the team were tasked with providing a long-term solution. Polyglass was the recommended coating system.

So impressed with the result and performance of the Polyglass VE system, once the pipework was put back in to service, the client chose to downgrade their pipework material to carbon steel, and award Corrocoat Indonesia with additional contracts for their expansion and preventive maintenance programs, for further CO₂ piping systems, over the next three years.

Internal Lining for CO² Pipe



Turnkey Solution for Protection of Concrete Containment Floor

Posted on Wednesday, November 1st, 2023 in News


Corrocoat USA was recently contacted by a general contractor that constructed a sodium hypochlorite containment for Florida’s largest community-owned electric utility company, serving more than 1 million Northeast Florida residents with electric, water, sewer and reclaimed water services.

The containment required a lining for the concrete floor that met 3 requirements:

  1. The manufacture of the material had to be approved by the utility company. 
  2. The material had to also be approved by Florida Department of Environmental Protection for lining of sodium hypochlorite tanks.
  3. The installation came with a 5-year material warranty from the installer and a 5-year labour warranty from the applicator.

As a result of the turnkey nature of the business and ability to provide the required 5-year warranty, Corrocoat USA were chosen for the project.

The surface was first wet abrasive blasted with Chlor*Rid to removal salts and remove laitance. It was then primed with Plasmet ECP; a high-solids, low viscosity, two or three-pack epoxy primer, used to prepare concrete surfaces that are damp, or where levels of moisture are approaching the saturation point of concrete.

Once the primer had cured, the surface was graded towards the sump using Corrocoat Zip E screed; an epoxy glassflake coating with additional fillers, which provides cost-effective, durable protection in aggressive atmospheric conditions and aquatic immersion environments. It has excellent application characteristics, in single applications.

Following cure of Zip E Screed, all transitions and 100% of the sump area were laminated using Corrocoat Epoxy Laminating Resin and fiberglass matting. The surface was abraded to remove nibs and cleaned, then Plasmet AR3 was applied at 48-60 mils DFT, to provide the required protection.

Following the success of the project, Corrocoat USA has completed a second containment for the same contractor, and has a 3rd awaiting approval.

Corrocoat USA - Containment


Find out more about out high performance products here.


Corrosion Protection for Concrete Floor

Posted on Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 in News

The largest oil services company in Kuwait, recently contacted our partners in Kuwait, Aja Technological Solutions Co. to provide long term protection to the floor of a containment area, spanning 500m².

Over the years the concrete floor had continued to suffer corrosion as a result of raw hydrochloric acid spills. To try and rectify the issue, the client would constantly re-concrete the floor, which proved both ineffective and extremely costly.

Four applicators from the team in Kuwait completed the project in 24 days; preparing and coating a concrete floor which had been laid 28 days prior to work commencing.  Initially, the surface was abrasive blasted to remove surface laitance or weak frangible material. Following the removal of dust and debris and a thorough vacuum cleaning, the prepared concrete was then primed with Polyglass PPA, which was used as a penetrating primer and to strengthen the immediate top layer.

Kuwait - concrete floor - 1

The team then applied a Corrocoat laminating system, prior to the application of Polyglass Standard, to 1500 microns.

Throughout this project the team faced numerous challenges. As the project was undertaken in an open space, considerations and allowances for changing weather were factored in. On alternative days, the team were required to provide a cover for the area, to protect the concrete from absorbing water. Also, as the project was conducted in the South of Kuwait, surrounded by desert, there were also considerations regarding the 40°C summer heat, towards the final stages of the project.

Kuwait - concrete floor repair- 2

The client was extremely satisfied with the solution provided and the guarantee of long-term cost-effective protection.

Contact a member of the team today to discuss how we can repair and protect your concrete floor.

Corrocoat Global Partner Conference 2023

Posted on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2023 in News

Last month we had the honour of hosting our international partners, at our Global Corrocoat Conference, at our Head Office, in Leeds. Following the last global conference, which took place 5 years ago (unfortunately prolonged as a result of the global pandemic), it was great to reunite with a number of partners, and also representatives from new operations from our global network.

We welcomed partners from 18 of our overseas operations, over 3 days, sharing case studies, project overviews, showcasing live demonstrations in our engineering and coating workshops and much more, amongst socialising and networking.

The majority of attendees were able to join us the weekend before the conference, with a welcome drinks and reception the first evening, followed by exploring the many acres of land, on a scenic walk at Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal, the next day. The group then unwound with a tour and beverages at the Black Sheep Brewery.

Corrocoat Global Conference - group Picture 2.png

Group Photo at Fountains Abbey


The Corrocoat Global Conference commenced on Monday, 18th September with a welcome from our CEO, Charles Watkinson. Charles recounted his earlier days when he first started the company in 1974, and insightful stories from some of Corrocoat’s first ever clients and projects, and the first Corrocoat overseas operation, in the Netherlands (Corrocoat Benelux). Almost 50 years down the line, Charles spoke of his pride on what Corrocoat has now become and the passion and dedication of the entire Corrocoat Team, both nationally and internationally.

                                                 Corrocoat Global Conference - open

Charles Watkinson welcoming attendees to the Corrocoat Global Conference


The delegates were taken on a site tour of the engineering and coating workshops, at our Leeds Head Office, gaining insight in to the projects which were currently being completed on-site. Managing Director, Graham Greenwood -Sole, then presented on the new markets and areas of industry which are fast emerging. Sharing his knowledge and expertise, Graham spoke about energy from waste, carbon capture and hydrogen production and the ways in which our services can protect and pro-long the life of capital plant and equipment.

The session was followed by Sergio Teixeira, Corroserve Sales Engineer, who imparted more information on the energy from waste sector. Sergio showcased a number of projects which we have completed here in the UK; repairing and protecting baghouse filters; cells and hoppers, Ducting, Stacks, Waterboxes, fan blades, vessels and much more.

Partners from our overseas operations in the Czech Republic, USA, Korea, Israel, South Africa, India, Qatar, Japan and China presented on everything from pump refurbishment and efficiency engineering to concrete repair, projects in Biomass plants and Power Stations, to repairing process equipment, protecting Flue Gas Desulphurisation systems (FGD), pipe refurbishment, work on isolation joints and overboard scrubbers.

The Head Office team also shared top tips on Sales and Marketing, and carried out a number of practical demonstrations including the application of Fibrecoat; using the small-bore pipe spryer to apply the coating and also highlight Fibrecoat as a high-performance structural lining for the repair of severely corrosion damaged pipes, the Plasmet ZF aerosol and alternative surface preparation methods.


   Demo 3


Graham said; “It was a very insightful few days and a celebration of the incredible work Corrocoat carries out across the globe. The Conference pays true testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone who is part of the Corrocoat family, and it’s great to come together with our partners and celebrate this. This, along with our exceptional product, is the very heart of what Corrocoat is all about. 

I’d like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE thank you to all who attended and presented, and made the conference extremely memorable and insightful. We’re already looking forward to the next Corrocoat Global Conference in 3 years.”


Corrocoat Global Conference - group Picture 1

The Corrocoat Team

Agitated Nutsche Filter (ANF) Repair

Posted on Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 in News

Long-Term Protection Against Chemical Attack & Erosion

In chemical manufacturing processes, Agitated Nutsche Filters (ANF) are essential equipment for the separation and filtration of solid and liquid components. However, the corrosive nature of the chemical process liquids can pose a challenge to the ANFs, leading to degradation and equipment failure.

A renowned chemical manufacturing company in Maharashtra, India, approached Kirloskar Corrocoat Private Ltd, our partners in India, to provide long term protection against chemical attack and erosion for two ANFs. Each one measured 3m in diameter by 2.25m, and included accompanying components; the vessels, agitators, mesh plates and bottoms.

Due to the size of the ANFs, the project was completed on-site, with the team first dismantling them. The internals were grit blasted to ISO 8501 cleanliness standard Sa2½ and Polyglass PPV was then applied as a holding primer, with a top coat of Polyglass VE. Polyglass VE is perfect for immersion environments where superior resistance to chemical attack is required – this was critical for the longevity of the ANFs, in their corrosive service environment.

The team reassembled the ANFs and they are now fully operational.

Agitator Nutsche Filter before and after

                       Agitated Nutsche Filter before repair                          Agitated Nutsche Filter following repair

                                     Agitator Blades and outer pipes

                             Agitator Blades before repair                                       Agitator Blades following repair

                                  Filter bed bottom plates and top and bottom surface

                Filter Bed Bottom Plates before repair                                   Tom and Bottom surface after repair


Contact a member of our team to find out more on how we can provide long term protection against chemical attack and erosion, for your equipment and machinery.